Intimate Newborn Photography | Meet Lucas

In this intimate newborn shoot, we revisited our friends, Karien and Raphael, to meet their new baby boy, Lucas. Before Lucas was born, we took Karien’s maternity photographs. Karien and Raphael are all about family and relationships, and we really wanted to express that with pictures of Lucas and his parents. We brought the shoot to the Rodriguez family’s house, and set up a small studio inside and outside with natural lighting and a few props. Their sweet pup even took part in the action as we incorporated him in some images to give an even more relational feel. The parents loved seeing their newborn’s photographs, and asked to have a wall portrait printed of him and a baby book made to tell the story of their sweet growing family. The Rodriguez family has been a delight to work with! Such a beautiful family! We loved seeing your family grow, and we will love to hear how Lucas will grow into an amazing man! Thank you Rodriguez family!

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and white newborn, black and white intimate newborn, intimate newborn, newborn sleeping in hands, newborn sleeping in mom and dads hands, mother and father holding newborn baby, hands holding baby, hands holding newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, newborn sleeping in hands, newborn sleeping in mom and dads hands, mother and father holding newborn baby, hands holding baby, hands holding newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, mother kissing newborn, father kissing newborn, mother and father kissing newborn, mom and dad holding newborn, mom and dad holding sleeping newborn, dad kissing baby feet, mom kissing baby's head, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, happy newborn infant, mother and father posing with newborn infant, family posing with newborn baby, happy baby, happy newborn, happy infant, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, infant newborn, black and white intimate newborn, black and white infant newborn, infant feet, adorable baby feet, adorable infant feet, black and white cute baby feet, baby sleeping with mom and dad, newborn baby sleeping with mother and father black and white, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, adorable newborn, infant newborn sleeping in mothers arms, sleeping baby in mothers arms, loving mom with baby, infant sleeping moms arms, beautiful mom with sleeping newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, black and white intimate newborn, black and white adorable newborn, black and white infant newborn sleeping in mothers arms, black and white sleeping baby in mothers arms, black and white loving mom with baby, black and white infant sleeping moms arms, black and white beautiful mom with sleeping newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, black and white intimate newborn, black and white adorable newborn, black and white infant newborn sleeping in mothers arms, black and white sleeping baby in mothers arms, black and white loving mom with baby, black and white infant sleeping moms arms, black and white beautiful mom with sleeping newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, black and white intimate newborn, black and white baby, black and white father holding infant in arms, black and white newborn sleeping in fathers arms, black and white father kissing sleeping infant, black and white father loving baby, black and white infant posing in fathers arms, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, baby, father holding infant in arms, newborn sleeping in fathers arms, father kissing sleeping infant, father loving baby, infant posing in fathers arms, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, intimate baby, newborn sleeping in fathers lap, baby sleeping in fathers lap, father playing guitar with newborn, father playing acoustic guitar with baby, father and newborn making music, father playing music to sleeping newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, infant newborn, sleeping newborn, newborn sleeping basket, newborn sleeping in grass basket, newborn sleeping in woven basket, newborn sleeping in basket in grass field, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, infant newborn, infant newborn sleeping, infant newborn sleeping on fur blanket, infant newborn sleeping on chair, infant newborn sleeping with dog, newborn sleeping next to dog, dog with newborn, dog and newborn in grass field, newborn in chair with dog, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography, intimate newborn, adorable newborn, infant newborn sleeping in mothers arms, sleeping baby in mothers arms, loving mom with baby, infant sleeping moms arms, beautiful mom with sleeping newborn, Moreland Photography, atlanta newborn photography, newborn photographer atlanta, Puerto Rico newborn photography,

Let's begin capturing memories!

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